Kirstin Decker

Kirstin Decker #19817023

F.C.I. Waseca

P.O. Box 1731

Waseca, MN 56093

Hey! MY name is Kirstin . Well as you can see I am living the American dream. I mean who doesnt have going to prison on the bucket list.  lol. We all know the stakes of the game when we play it. I might be locked up but it will never break me. With that being said. I am fun , laughing, and talking shit. I have a super twisted sense of humor, and I smiles at innapropriate times. Its a thing lol, I also love longboarding,road trips, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick. wait what? If I just described our first date than i am your gal and i love to hear from you. Hate mail works too. Check out my fb page Kirstin Walz Decker. Send me your email adress so I can invite you on vorrlinks for faster communication. Hope to hear from you

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Michael P. Kelly

Michael P. Kelly # 210382

P.O. Box 477

Burgin, KY 40310 

Hello Friend my name is Mike , and I am a really excited to meet you. To keep it all the way real , I have been locked up for far to long and am dying for some female conversation.  So if you are reading this stop your search, because I am the one you were looking for . Hopefully we can have lots of fun together and brighten each others day. You wont regret chosing me I promis. Message me already. ps I have jpay

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Justin A. Little

Justin A. Little 

P.O. Box 1500

EL Reno,  OK 73036

I am 28, Bday is 11-18-92 I am a Scorpio . I love the outdoors, riding my harley/dirtbikes,fishing, hunting . I am from Dallas TX .  I am currently In Oklahoma up in the feds , I have been gone for 2 years now. I am interested in a penpal someone to write to and talk to. IF you are inteested please write and I’ll respond.

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Thomas Odren

Thomas Odren #295091


P. O. Box 479 

Burgin, KY 40310

New to the pen pal scene but figured why not. Looking for someone to connect with and have a little fun. I love traveling doing new and exciting things and spending time with my love ones. I am 27 years old 6’4 220 lbs . I have a 19 year sentence for robbery . I go up for parole in june 2022. Write me at the adress above or add me on jpay.

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Ronald Haynes

Ronald Haynes #3024514

50 Crossroads Dr. 

Shelby, MT 59474

I was raised in a rough enviromentas a child. I was married once. I have 3 children. I am looking for someone to share my life with when I get out.  I am not afraid of getting remaired. I am also a good listener . I want somebody that likes me for who I am . Sorry this is short not sure what to say here. Feel free to ask anything you like

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Chad Deyoung

Chad Deyoung #19302-041


P.O. Box 1000

Oxford, WI 53952

Hello my name is Chad . I’m 33 years old. Born and raised in the Twin Cities. I am serving a year sentence in the federal prison in Oxford, Wisconsin. The crime I am serving time for is Distribution of Meth. People who meet me wouldnt think of me as a criminal . I have made some bad decisons , but I dont let them define me. I enjoy working out and staying active . Some hobbies of mine include playing and watching sports, snowboarding, watching movies, cooking and being outdoors. I have a huge heart. I am caring loyal to a fault and very driven. I like to have a good time so I goof around with my family and friend. Family is super importanat to me. I went to school for computer science so I am kind of a tech nerd. I pride myself in being a genuine and honest . I am looking to connect with somebody who can see the real me. I am open to friendship or a relationship if thats where things go. I also enjoy long walks along razor wire fences LOL . If you are interested you can snail mail me or write me a letter with your email adress and we can speak on crorrlinks

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Grant Otte

Grant Otte# 2006340889



I am looking for a Good hearted woman that understands people can change. A woman that belives in second chances. Someone that knows my past isnt what defines me now, That can see past my convictions to see what the changed man I am today. I enjoy fitness of any kind , I even do yoga twice a week. I am firm beiver in overall wellness. I am mechaniclly inclined and quick as a whip because you cant be all bronze and no brains. So dont be shy to stop on by to drop a line . youll be pleastly surprised at this diamond in the rough.

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Jose Plascencia

ASPC Tucson, Manzanita Unit
PO Box 24401
Tucson, AZ 85734
Hi my name is Jose I am 30 years old 6’6 229 lbs. I have been locked up a couple of years now and I am nearing my release date. I am looking for a penpal i hope to pass this little time I have left. I made a mistake, but I do in fact have plans for my future. My plans after my release are to go to school for a culinary arts.I love cooking and preparing meals. I also love to work out music and movies and long walks on the beach. lol I am just playing about the walks. I am looking for a friend or what ever presents itself. The best way to contact me is thru
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Brandon Woodward

Brandon Woodward –

Coyote Ridge Cirrection Center

1301 North Ephrata Avenue

PO Box 769,

Connell, Washington , 9932

This is an introduction poem to a stranger out there :  One with mezmerizing eyes and beatiful hair . From this simple man who has one simple goal,that is to spark your attention with words from my soul. We ca shae some laughs maybe some cries. Go ahead and be skeptical, but I am nit like other guys. If my game is on point we can take it from there . I know I am not perfect but I can say that I am rare . I am not into games and I am not into playing. So if you like what you are rrading . Then here is what I am sayin . It doesnt matter what you want get off your chest put your worries in my lap and I will pass the test. 

I’ve made some mistakes but I am learning my leasons. I’m using this time to further my education and prepare for my release in 2024. I am 31 years young and full of ambition. I may not fully know what to do but I know now what not to do. I love to write poterey and music and I’m covered in tattos. I’m your typical  nad boy who is changening his ways to be good. I love life , and I am not gonna waste another day . I am going to travel upon my relase and start my own buisness. I will keep the details a suprise untill I meet my new penpal. Well I hope to hear from someone. I know how to live life and handle my buisness.

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Hughes Unit

RT 2 box 4400

Gatesville, TX 76597

I am a person who has made some mistakes, but those mistakes helped me learn and molded my charecter. I am trying to live a better life. I like movies and music. I read a lot of books and like to tatto. I am a cretified welder by trade which I really enjoy. I love being at work and love and working out. I plan on doing something with the rest of my life. I would like to build new friendships and a possible relationship . I would really like to meet you . If you are interested then please send me a intereaction letter.