Hughes Unit

RT 2 box 4400

Gatesville, TX 76597

I am a person who has made some mistakes, but those mistakes helped me learn and molded my charecter. I am trying to live a better life. I like movies and music. I read a lot of books and like to tatto. I am a cretified welder by trade which I really enjoy. I love being at work and love and working out. I plan on doing something with the rest of my life. I would like to build new friendships and a possible relationship . I would really like to meet you . If you are interested then please send me a intereaction letter.


Brian Hauth

Brian Hauth #23397489

2500 West Gate

Pendleton, OR 97801

Family person , animal person. I like to travel  & play music . I am a young adult looking for someone to keep company and get to know.  I am from portland Oregon and am serving 60 months on a robery 2. My out date is 11/14/2024 . I want to study psychology, so I can learn to help people. I want to fight fires also when I get out. I also love women,anyways I know this isnt much of a intro. If you want to know more please feel free to write me and I will write you back. 

PS sorry about the mug shot

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Enrique A. Hernandez

Enrique A. Hernandez #02290249

Dalhart Unit 

11950 F.M. 998

Dalhart, TX 79022

Hello my name is Enrique. I am 28 years old, I am from a place by Corpus Christi, TX. I am 5’4 and cute as hell, nah but I am very confident person I enjoy the little things in life. and love. To make the best of everything . I am very open minded and creative.  I am recently divorced. I have 5 kids  which I love very much. I am looking for someone to write , or if it comes to it I am willing to make a future with that special person. IF you want to know more write me

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Daniel Roach

Daniel Roach #425245

Coyote Ridge Correction Center

P.O. Box 769 

Connell,WA 99326

Name is Daniel I am 28 years old I am a small town country boy. My passion is cars and working out. I am very out going, really funny. I listen to all music, but I love country music I am a family man. I do have 2 kids a boy and girl . Son is 3 daughter is 9 months. 2 seperate moms. I am not judgemental . I love everyone the same, I am actually fun to talk to . I am great at listening . I am construction worker. Love to work and support my family. Just want to find someone who is amazing, loving and caring.Plus I am betting myself . I want someone who is going to appreceate me and what I do for them. I am looking for something that could turn into something real.

I am 5 foot 10 inches tall and 150 lbs.  My favorite color is blue and green neon green. I am a lover not a fighter. I dont like conflict, but can handle myself well. I am a huge softy kid at heart. I just want to find someone I can give my love to. MY hobby is writting letters, poems and songs. I love long letters. The longer the better . I am down for what ever tho. I worked construction before I fell.  Lived the fast and furious life style.  Yes I do race car meets , The works , sadly my project car was totaled and why I’m here I love  4×4 wheeling, atvs and dirt bikes. I had a good life , house, cars , money , kids. MY goal is to get back on top . Be there for my kids, as in be part of their lives. I need someone that will push me to keep going in the right direction.  Who will have my back. I am big on family life. I do want more kids in the future.

I am a recovering alcoholic another reason why I am here. But I am 1 month sober. I dont do drugs never did and never will. Alchol was my addiction. But I have control and will power to never drink again. I in prison on a count of vehicula homicide. 4 years and 6 months is my sentence. Sadly I lost someone I loved deeply and was with at the time.More on this if you chose to ask. I hope you enjoy the photo. It was taken the last time I got to hold my kid. 

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Sean Sharer

This inmate has mail restrictions:

*white paper and white envelopes only

Sean Sharer #48728-177


P.O. Box 1500

El Reno, OK 73036

I am 49 going on 21 year old. I grew up on horse ranch. Breading,training, and rescuing horses. Living the good life . I used to ride , rope, hammer, and paint. I do some things most men cant. I love kids but never slowed down enough to have any. I was raised by a great woman, she raised me right. I grew up to be able to appreciate a good woman.  Behind every great country boy is a awsome woman. I was raised to respect all young ladies. I was married its a shame to say she couldnt wait.  I love the finer things in life I am doing the best I can with life . Thank you for your time.

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Gerard a Smith

Gerard A Smith #1491148

2500 westgate 

Pendleton, O.R. 97801

I came to prison at the age of 20, I have been in prison for 16 years. I love to joke and have a good time. I work out alot, alot. I am 5’6 180 lbs. tattoed from the neck to the top of my feet. I draw (just begining to learn). I have an affinity of hardcore music and horror movies big zombie fan. I belive in being true to what you say and practice what you preach.  I am very faithful I know it sounds to good to be ture but really I am this way. I am a romantic, and like to see and hear about the outside world. Love to write and talk. Give me a chance and find out what else I am about. Also I am a open book hope to hear from you soon.

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JESS CHEEKS J.R. #202968
374 New Bethel Church Rd,
Fredonia, KY 42411
*has jpay email*
I am a 40 year old man  from louisville ky i have 3 kids. They are all grown. I have a 16 year sentence but only have 3 years and 2 months left. I am not a bad guy . Just been at the wrong places in life.  Very happy go lucky person and love to make people smile. i wake up joking and go to sleep joking. I like to cook, go walking, work out, spend time with my kids and family and love to go out and have fun. I am looking for a man or woman to be a pen pal with.Lets if it becomes more then so be it. I am in prison right now working on myself and taking all the programs I can . I know there is  a better life out there other then this. I’ve been throw a lot in life and just want to forget the past.  I am a very loyal person, i was raised to be that way. I  have a lot of tattoos, I look like the bad boy but, I am really a teddy bear. I am looking for other people to chat with other then my family and kids even tho. I love talking to them just looking for other things and good people to talk too. I have blue eyes, I shave my head but by choice, 5’8 245 lbs. I love to dress nice and wear nice shoes because when i meet someone the best impression is the best one.  Very respectful to people unless they are not with me. I have a better out look on life then I did when I got locked up. 

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Lewis Laroche

Lewis Laroche  #173477
P.O. Box 479
Burgin, Kentucky 40310
I love exersing, walking and sight seeing,i enjoy intelligent and casual conversation, love to read and keep up with all latest medical advancements, former RN- enjoy all classixc country and hair bands, 80-90’s metal and rockalso alot of old school hip hopavid horror and thriller moovie watcherlove to corresond with annyone in the medical fields, especailly whom have had a problem with addictions in the past, and thoes with criminial history’s now changedsee ya soonpowder

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