Kirstin Decker

Kirstin Decker #19817023

F.C.I. Waseca

P.O. Box 1731

Waseca, MN 56093

Hey! MY name is Kirstin . Well as you can see I am living the American dream. I mean who doesnt have going to prison on the bucket list.  lol. We all know the stakes of the game when we play it. I might be locked up but it will never break me. With that being said. I am fun , laughing, and talking shit. I have a super twisted sense of humor, and I smiles at innapropriate times. Its a thing lol, I also love longboarding,road trips, long walks on the beach and poking dead things with a stick. wait what? If I just described our first date than i am your gal and i love to hear from you. Hate mail works too. Check out my fb page Kirstin Walz Decker. Send me your email adress so I can invite you on vorrlinks for faster communication. Hope to hear from you

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Hughes Unit

RT 2 box 4400

Gatesville, TX 76597

I am a person who has made some mistakes, but those mistakes helped me learn and molded my charecter. I am trying to live a better life. I like movies and music. I read a lot of books and like to tatto. I am a cretified welder by trade which I really enjoy. I love being at work and love and working out. I plan on doing something with the rest of my life. I would like to build new friendships and a possible relationship . I would really like to meet you . If you are interested then please send me a intereaction letter.


Matthew Jarrell

Matthew Jarrell #06810-480

P.O. Box 1500 

EL Reno, OK 73036

Hi my name is Matthew AKA Skratch from Odessa,TX. I am a small town boy which means I was raised right. I am 5’10  a muscular build , have ocean blue eyes and a nice smile. I enjoy being outside and doind outdoor activities. SUch as riding 4 wheelers,bonfires, and sitting next to that special someone looking up at the stars. I am a hopeless romantic, but also a goofball. I enjoy laughing and having a good time. I am looking for someone to laugh and cut up with. . With endless possibilities . If your confident, smart, good hearted, woman please take some times and shoot me a line.  Untill then matt…

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Justin Fendler

Justin Fendler #1140700

2727 Highway K,

Bonne Terre, MO 63628

I am a single father of 2 boys. , 6 and 4 , who I love more than words can describe. I recently was convicted a class d felony , stealing from a construction buisness a deal that went wrong. I made a mistake doing buisness with the wrong people, but I learned a lesson. I have a lot of good things going for me once I am released , but I have no family except my 2 sons. I am hoping to find a friend to write /talk too, that may also blossom into something more. I like funny things / shows music,video games,animals, working out , money most of all family . I’ve been single 3 years and hoping to meet a friend  soon. its pretty lonely doing time by yourself

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Steven R. Sain

ASPC Yuma, La Paz Unit
PO Box 8909
Yuma, AZ 

My name is Steven .I’m 32 6’2 215 lbs . I am of spanish decent with black hair and brown eyes. I was raised in california, I am a very outdoorsy and natural person I live an active life, and would love someone who can keep up. I enjoy hiking,camping,fishing. Are the favorite things to fill my weekend with . Im not afraid of domestic chores and I love to cook. If you wanna know more I would gladly spend time getting to know you as well . Talk to you soon

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Jennifer Vietor

Jennifer Vietor # 27451-055

833 1/2 Pembroke RD        FSL

Danbury, CT 06811

I am 36, prior to coming to prison I was with my husband and our 4 children . I made some mistakes along the way I’m not proud of , but everything happens for a reason and I am a better person today then I was before coming to prison. My husband decided to walk away 2 years ago. I am now ready to see who else is out there. Write me If you are interested and want to know more. I look forward from hearing from you.  

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Antonio T Montgomery


Sid: 20483935

Antonio Montgomery

777 Stanton Blvd 

Ontario, OR 97914

Hi I am a 22 year old black and latin male. Grew up all up and down the west coast. I love to work out and I love to learn . I grew up in foster care . Now I am living in prison for an accident. Looking for a way out, really trying to change my life. I am a calm and intense man. If that makes sense to anyone.  Just tying to enjoy an intimate relationship with a friend or lover.

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