Butch Frith

Butch Frith #237540


P.O. Box 479

Burgin, KY 40310

Hello my name is Butch, but I go by my middle name which is Sam.  Been locked up for 3 1/2 years  and should getting released in 12 to 14 months, 2nd degree robbery and 1st degree fleeing and evading are my charges. Honestly I am doing this  to try and  find something real.  I just to put my all out there and maybe find the same in return.  Mostly been with women my hole life. But from time to time I find myself in some bi situations. I really enjoy the feel of another male lover, I have only had 2 experiences. Looking forward to more. Snail me at adress above or add me to jpay

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Joshua Kies #814288


141 1st.  st

Coldwater, MI 49036

Hello first off, thank you for taking the time to read my profile. I genuinely appreciate it. As you can see my name is Joshua Kies. I usally go by Josh. I am 32 years old and have been incarcirated for 4 1/2 years of 12 for armed robbery. I was in a bad place in my life and made a poor decision that affected the whole rest of my life.. This is my first and last prison sentence . Lesson learned! I am and have been using this time to fix and better myself. I am working towards my bachelors degree in buisness administration. Also do as many extra classes and programs  as I am able to,I figure I have to spend this time in here , I might as well do something with the time instead of wasting it. I am a combat vetran of the U.S. Army. I served in the army infantry (125th infantry Divison) from 2006 to 2010. I was honorably discharged. I was in Ramadi Iraq from 2008 to 2009.

I am extremely passionate about helping fellow vetrans any way I can. I plan to spend time after this doing all I can for vets. 22 vets a day commit suicide, and thats 22 too many. To many more of us end up here. I want to bring awareness to those facts and try to help others avoid those fates. I grew up in a tiny town on the west side of michigan. Technically a village near lake MI.  I am a country boy Through and through . I love anything outdoors especially in the woods. I am a lover of archery , especially bow hunting. I love to fish,camp, go hiking, Really anything that gets me outdoors . I am also an avid reader. I will read anything that catches my intrest, but I really love history and really military history. Also nonfiction I love to learn. I have the thirst for knowledge. From seemingly useless trivia facts to major things in science, history anthropology. Really anything seems kinda interesting. Music is life. My go to newer country music like brantley gilbert.  I really listen to any music if it hits me some kind of way . I love to write and tent to write a lot. IF I get a letter I always respond .

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Sean Rosell

Sean Rosell #255511

P.O. Box 479 

Burgin,Ky 40310

Hello future penpal my name is Sean I am a 29 year old white male, I am fun, energetic, positive and caring. Of course like anyone else I do have my shortcommings, but I am doing what I can to work on those . I enjoy playing a variety of sports and I like just about anything to do with the outdoors. When released I plan to go back to school for buisness managment and hope to one day own a bar and grill.  I am interested in a good woman who will push me to do better and who also has her life in order . Loyalty is a big deal to me and I want someone who is loyal to me as I will be to her. If I catch your intrest feel free to write at adress above or jpay me.

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Ronald Haynes

Ronald Haynes #3024514

50 Crossroads Dr. 

Shelby, MT 59474

I was raised in a rough enviromentas a child. I was married once. I have 3 children. I am looking for someone to share my life with when I get out.  I am not afraid of getting remaired. I am also a good listener . I want somebody that likes me for who I am . Sorry this is short not sure what to say here. Feel free to ask anything you like

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Jacoby Piper

Jacoby Piper #258061


P.O. Box 479 

Burgin,Kentucky 40310

Hello my name is Jacoby , I am 35 years old and I am from greenville,kentucky. I enjoy getting,so you will more than likely find me outdoors. I enjoy hunting,fishing,campoing,riding, 4 wheelers . I am very hysterical , so I always keep people entertained .I’ve been incarcerated for 30 months . My hopes to be released are dec. 20.  My favorite type of music is country rock. Kentucky wildcats are my favorite basketball team. I am currently single looking for new friendship , maybe more if the rught person comes around . I’m always open to having real conversations and new experiences. If you want to get to know me shoot me a message or add me on jpay.com

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Chad Deyoung

Chad Deyoung #19302-041


P.O. Box 1000

Oxford, WI 53952

Hello my name is Chad . I’m 33 years old. Born and raised in the Twin Cities. I am serving a year sentence in the federal prison in Oxford, Wisconsin. The crime I am serving time for is Distribution of Meth. People who meet me wouldnt think of me as a criminal . I have made some bad decisons , but I dont let them define me. I enjoy working out and staying active . Some hobbies of mine include playing and watching sports, snowboarding, watching movies, cooking and being outdoors. I have a huge heart. I am caring loyal to a fault and very driven. I like to have a good time so I goof around with my family and friend. Family is super importanat to me. I went to school for computer science so I am kind of a tech nerd. I pride myself in being a genuine and honest . I am looking to connect with somebody who can see the real me. I am open to friendship or a relationship if thats where things go. I also enjoy long walks along razor wire fences LOL . If you are interested you can snail mail me or write me a letter with your email adress and we can speak on crorrlinks

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