Andrew McGehee

Andrew McGehee #283937

P.O BOx 479 

Burgin,KY 40310

My name is Andrew. But everybody calls me drew.I am sorry for the way that I look in my picture. That is the only one I have for now. But as we get to know each other through jpay. I will send some better ones. Some of my intrest are music,writting, sports, and food. I am from owensboro,ky . The bbq capital.  Really looking for someone I can open to and can open up to me. You can write via mail or add me on jpay

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3001 W. Highway 146

La Grange KY. 40031

First time making one of these not sure what to say.  Here we go I am 25 years old mixed.  I like sports,listening to and writing music, swimming, traveling, eating and sleeping. I am looking for a FEMALE who will look past my current situation. That will take time out of her day to write me. I have jpay email also feel free to contact me on.

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Register Number 189981

Unit :#5 207

Box number : P.O. Box  392004

Denver, CO 80239

I am a strong African American man. This is my first time down with a chunk of time.  I am really looking to find someone to connect with that I can pass the time with. The possibility for more is always there. Music is my life i’m an up and coming song writer an a begging artist . I work out play ball and play poker. Hopefully someone will be down to help me walk this 18 year sentence down with me.