Scott Collins

My Story :

I am loyal devoted indvidual, with strong ethic belifes.Looking for the same. I am going but serious , and am very spontaneaus. With me you need to be on your toes and ready for whatever. Must like tatoos and motorcycles. I cannot stand liars or fake people. I have no use for either. I wear my heart on my sleve , what you see is what you get and I always speak my mind. I know that behind every good man is a great womanl, and that is what I am looking for. I am looking to build a long term relationship. A woman to give her all and in return I will give my all. I can be relased as early as 2025 look me up I dont have any crazy charges. I am also a divroced father of 6 hope you like kids.

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Age: 40


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Contact Info

Scott Collins DC# C03554

Liberty C.I ,South unit

11064 N.W Dempsey Barron Road

Bristol ,FLORIDA 32321-9711

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